Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: February 1, 2025 - Last updated: February 1, 2025


Author: Kezia Sola Gratia

Title: Emerging the Submerged Realities of Mass Rape in the News of May 1998 Riot

Subtitle: -

Journal: MediaTor: Jurnal Komunikasi

Volume: 17

Issue: 2

Year: December 2024 (Received: April, 19, 2024, Revised: Augut 4, 2024, Accepted: August 11, 2024, Published online: December 30, 2024)

Pages: 270-285

ISSN: 1411-5883 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 2581-0758 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century | Asian Historry: Indonesian History | Cases: Real Incidents / May 1998 Riots of Indonesia; Types: Rape; Representations: Press / CNN Indonesia,


- Nasional dan Internasional Jurnal Ilmiah Unisba (National and International Unisba Scientific Journals) (Free Access)

- ResearchGate (Free Access)


Author: -

Abstract: »This study employs agenda-setting and media fragmenting theory alongside critical analysis of discourse studies (CADS) to scrutinize media dynamics during the May 1998 Riots in Indonesia. Agenda-setting and Media Framing theories analyze how the media prioritizes and frames specific issues. At the same time, CADS provides a method to present a detailed examination of language and representation in media texts. By analyzing 296 and 261 news articles from two of the most prominent Indonesian online newspaper platforms, the study investigates the submersion of discourses on gender and ethnic violence. Utilizing CADS, the research conducts frequency, collocation, concordance, cluster, and keyword analyses to uncover hidden narratives of gender and ethnic violence within the riot coverage. The analysis reveals significant gaps in discourse on racial and gender-based violence, highlighting the importance of identifying underlying narratives in news coverage. Additionally, the study underscores a void in the coverage of gender and ethnic violence discourses related to the May 1998 Riots, suggesting potential oversight or suppression of crucial aspects. This highlights the media’s dual role as a reflector of events and an active influencer of public narratives.« (Source: Mediator)

  Abstract (p. 270)
  Introduction (p. 270)
  Methods (p. 271)
  Result and Discussions (p. 272)
    The Dominant Narratives: Revealing the Most Frequent Topics in News Coverage (p. 276)
    The Dominant Narratives: Revealing the Most Frequent Topics in News Coverage (p. 279)
    Framing the Riots: A Comparative Analysis of Riot and Chinese-Indonesian Women Framed by Detik and CNN Indonesia (p. 280)
  Conclusion (p. 282)
  Acknowledgements (p. 283)
  References (p. 283)

Wikipedia: History of Asia: History of Indonesia | Newspaper: Indonesian news websites / CNN Indonesia, | Sex and the law: Rape / May 1998 riots of Indonesia